Saturday, April 24, 2021

Timber part II


You may or may not recall we were getting a tree cut down. That happened on Thursday. There were 2 HUGE trucks in our neighbors driveway, which was the only access point to the tree.  I took them just 2 hours to take that tree down. As you will see in the pictures the tree towers our house.'

This is just one branch...tree size on it's own. There were many like this.They are puttingit into the grinder.

I took this one through the window, this is just one section, there were 3 in total. Huge trunks
.I admired the lumberjacks who did the work, the guy handling the crane, set each of those down like they were made of glass, with precision. They did a good job 
The stump was 10.5' around. They came on Friday and grinded it down, we now have alot of mulch, which will be nice. You can see how small our yard is, our neigbors garage is blue and she has a white vinyl fence, they had a small area to work in, our garage is on the other side. 
The yard  looks more open and we will get more sunshine for our garden. The big crane truck did do a little damage to her driveway, she is getting a new one in a few weeks which is why we had the tree taken down.  Miss Elsie & Mr Carl are good neighbors. Mr. Carl just passed away last year. 
Now, moving all the mulch. I moved a few shovel fulls yesterday..didn't make a dent. All in good time. 
Have a good week everybody. 


Olde Dame Holly said...

You do indeed have a good neighbor. What a blessing. That was a huge tree! I am surprised to see that snow!

Granny Marigold said...

That was some big old tree!! I can imagine how much more light your yard will get now.

Happy Homebodies!


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