Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Hortense and I out in the yard


Over the last weekend spent some time in our much overlooked back yard. I'm clearing out a wee space by the side of our garage, and I tripped literally onto the next project. Years ago we had a large wine or whisky barrel which just went back to the earth over the years. The ring was left in the ground, and I found it quite by accident. It was pulled from the earth with little resistance and still in very good shape. Let's keep it I said to my husband, maybe we could use it for something. 

I thought it would be pretty with flowers on it, rustic looking. I had these windchimes hanging around for years, I do love my chimes and thought they would be pretty. The flowers I picked up at the Dollar Tree.  And that's the story here. 

Hortense, was in the beginning of the story...where I was raking and getting into things, and almost took a trip  down memory lane. The old garage broke my fall. I tripped twice that day. Then I decided I had done enough for one day. 

Moved some tiger lillies this weekend, we bought another Forsythia to plant, and today I repotted the morning glories into pots, they are getting long.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. The tea towels arrived today. I think I'll do those when the scouts have their campout, there will more free time to get them started into the curtains. I can set up the machine on the kitchen table and leave it up until I am done. 

 Enjoy your day!



Granny Marigold said...

All the different pieces came together to make a pretty Springish wreath. Nice!

Lady Locust said...

Wow, sounds like you got a lot done! Your ring/hoop looks cheery and welcoming :-)

Jackie said...

Wow, you did am amazing job with the old ring. It looks so pretty.

God bless.

mamasmercantile said...

It looks wonderful, charming. There is always a use for everything and you have proved that point so well.

Olde Dame Holly said...

You probably gave Hortense a shock, tripping over that ring! What a great creation you made out of it, though! I just love it. So unique! Your Dollar Tree has good flowers. Ours gets bought up as soon as things are off the truck.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

so good you were not injured terribly with that trip, and how good that you can use it for planting. I love Dollar Tree's flowers and greenery. The wreath is so pretty!

Happy Homebodies!


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