It's been a few years now since I've heard about this plant, and every time I got near a nursery, I would look for one, no luck. I think about it from time to time, and even about eventually giving in, an ordering it online. Yesterday my husband went to get soil for the pots and garden, I went for a ride with him to get out of the house, I didn't even intend to go in. Once there I couldn't help myself to go into the nursery, it wasn't busy and that was a bonus, it was a beautiful day, and the nursery is outside.
We walked in and I scanned around to see where I wanted to have a look see, and there, there it was, I t admit at first I thought no it could'nt be, a Lenton Rose! It looked like it so I moved up closer and sure enough it was. They had about 10 of them. Picked me one up I did.
You know that kind of joy when you think you've just scored something, it was a happy joyful feeling, like pennies from heaven. I've been searching around for years I tell you.
This is not in the rose family at all, but the buttercup family. It is a perennial, the flowers bloom in late march early spring, and then the glossy green leaves are out throughout the year, it can withstand -30 degees, and...and... it is my "deer" friend resistant. We'll see about that. I hope so because it is poisonous. Imagine that.
It does look somewhat like a buttercup.
I used to look through seed catalogs and plant catalogs constantly when younger, and I would see the Lenten Rose as well as other hellebores, and always, always wanted one. How lucky to find one at the nursery, I have never seen them for sale except in catalogs! Just beautiful!
IF I'm not mistaken your new plant is a Hellebore (often called Christmas Rose). It is truly beautiful. I have a few different colours of Hellebores so I'm not sure if I have that particular one. How lovely that you finally found one.
Very interesting I have never heard of one I will look to see if it is a perennial in our zone. our nurseries have not opened all the way here yet
Cathy,I hope you can find one in your local nurseries. I am in zone 6. Thank you for stopping over.
Yes that is a Hellebore, it really is a pretty dusky mauve color.
Also called Christmas Rose, it's common name Hellebore.
timing is everything, I've been looking for years, it really is pretty and I guess they are out in the spring.
So pretty. I wish we could grow them here but with temperatures that dip to below -40C at times I am afraid it would not survive.
Enjoy your plant.
God bless.
You can grow this Jackie@ It is hardy to -30 degrees F. It has thick leaves on it.
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