Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wonderous Wednesday

 Hello Out there in blogland!

It's Wednesday....

not wordless though, but wonderous Wednesday.

I snapped this picture today, both of us were minding our own business. I just happened to look out and I saw this darling crossing out front yard. Something had spooked him, and he held up and I was able to get a succession of shots. 

Wonder what happened to his other antler?  He sure is pretty.



Kristina said...

He probably got into a fight or got caught on something. Good photo!

Sandra said...

I love seeing wildlife. What a surprise to see that deer and how wonderful that you were able to snap a picture.

Faith said...

The poor "deer". LOL. He was maybe 7 or 8 feet from my living room window. The yards are small. I have some Indian corn out there, maybehe was going to snack.

Lady Locust said...

Off topic~ I just went back and printed the sourdough instructions. Hoping to give it another go soon :-)


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