Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What's up buttercup?

Image result for buttercup

  when you were young, and you could actually find some buttercups growing in a field.
There's a throwback!  And you would hold them under someones chin, and ask them if they like butter? And the yellow from the buttercup would show that they did?

Where have they all gone?
Did a little research, these are not edible.

Butter, do you like butter? Or do you prefer margerine?
We switched to butter many years ago. Anything which is closest to the natural form of it's original components are better choices. Now I do buy the unsalted.

I keep our butter out, in the butter dish. So that it is soft for spreading. I was reading about the butter bell, any of you have one of those?  Or  do you still have the butter dish?

Have a beauty!


wisps of words said...

OHHHHHH!!! -clapping hands- You changed your Blog Look!!!!!!!

You know I have so much fun, with my Blog Look. So I realllly notice, when someone changes theirs. -smile- You changed not only the Background, but the print colors tooooo!!!!!

🌱 😊 🌱

wisps of words said...

Yes, I remember under-the-chin-buttercups!!!!! They are all gone?

Oh yes!!! Butter!!!! All things, the closest to their natural state!!!! And we buy Cage-Free eggs. And grass fed beef. And Free Chickens.

To be honest, my husband does prefer some (I call it) *Monsanto Farmed* beef cuts. Over the years, we have been made accustomed to the taste of this corn fed *Monsanto Farmed* beef. -sigh-

I keep butter in the refrigerator, but my husband says, it was always left out. :-)

Oh and I used to use Crisco, for pie crusts. But switched to butter! I'd use lard too, but can not find it in stores.

Every step, back to natural state, of our eating. And away from Processed foods, and unnaturally raised animals. Is a good step, to me.

Oh and not farm raised fish!!!!!!!!

There are so many things, we have to watch out for. Shopping is a Mine Field. Our grandmothers would faint.

🌱 😊 🌱

Faith said...

Wispy, we try to go as natural as we can here. I love cage free brown eggs. I found some lard at Save a lot. I try to incorporate when and where I can, and support local farmers and produce.

Faith said...

I had the old blog background for years, I liked it, but felt I needed a change, things do change in spite of us all.

Granny Marigold said...

I'm almost reluctant to admit I like the taste of I Can't Believe it's not Butter. I'm not sure if it's available in other countries. For baking I'll sometimes splurge and use real butter but I can't say that I notice any difference in taste. ( For pie crust I use good old Tenderflake Lard).

Faith said...

I used to like Country Crock back in the day. We have that I can't believe it's not butter here in OH. The butter, like most things now don't taste like they might have back in our grandparents day...nothing does.


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