Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tinkering with yarn, making something pretty

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I've been so inspired by the lovely snowflake designs which Snowcatcher has made over the years. Check out her  Snowflake Monday's.

I enjoy working with thread, and have not made anything for a while, so I picked it up again last night with the thought of just move the hook and see what happens without a pattern. I want to design more of my own items, I know my craft...stop thinking about doing it and just do it. I wonder to myself if I am over analyzing about what to make...put the hook with the thread and move it...see what happens.

I have an idea on what I'd like to do with these small doilies,and I'll need a few more.

I didn't take the time to write it down, I just kept moving the hook. It is a small/simple design, I can come back later, write and tweak.
Not a good idea..trusting to much to the old memory, I'll remember "famous last words".

I finished it up and decided to rework the pattern, & writing the pattern down, it's going well so far.
A few more ideas into the hopper, I'll either post at the shoppe at some point, or have for the farmers market this summer. I really hope to participate, but I'm not ever prepared. I've ordered some more beeswax for candles and rosettes.

How far ahead of time do you create for your craft fairs etc?

 I made this a few years back with stash yarn.
Gotta love stash yarn! Itty bitty's and pieces parts make for a colorful finish.

1 comment:

wisps of words said...

I have never made and sold. So can't answer your question.

My only thought would be, go with your own personal flow. Seems that's always a good plan.


Happy Homebodies!


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