Monday, August 5, 2019

Out of citified Dodge for a short ride

Into the country, a new place. 
Family Run Farm 4 generations. This is a self serve farm truck. It was so sweet, honey, eggs, herbs, and produce. We bought some honey infused with Hungarian is so good. 
A nice ride out of the citified Dodge and
out where the roosters crow, one did while we were there...
Love it !

On tap for today? Up for grabs, I've got no organized plans. Not that there isn't plenty do do , it's just not organized, organized kaos maybe ? Something strange in the blogger today, yesterday I had 352 visits?????? I doubt that. But wonder if it is bots? No comments, No additional followers, what was so eye catching with the post yesterday?
Wonder what is going on, any of you had that happen? 339 from the Netherlands. ???????????
Maybe time to look elsewhere to put the blog?
Queen of Hungary Water, any of you ever made it or used it? It has a few herbs in it, only 1 of  which I have in the garden. I'm considering going to look for herbs and see if I can make my own next year, providing the herbs live through the winter.

That's all I got folks!


  1. 352 VISITS?????!!!!!??????? WoW!!!!!!

    You mean, on a Stat Counter site, it showed up, as having had all these Visits? Or on Blogger 'somewhere,' these Visits showed up?

    I use free Stat Counter. I do have many more Visits, than Comments. But not some wild number, like that. And a bunch from one country. Seems like it was some sort of a Bot thing.

    Very interesting......

  2. Yes, I have days with too many pageviews to be real blogging friends. It is frightening to me, so I hesitate returning to posting. Why? oh why? can some people be so mean!


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


This is my personal content. No reproduction of any of my photographs or postings are to be copied, it is against copyright laws.