Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween

 Can you believe we are at the end of October already?

Tomorrow is all Saints Day.

This is the time of year when it seems time is flying by, the holidays are coming up, first Thanksgiving in November, followed by Christmas and New Year. It seems though the older I get the faster the time goes especially this time of year. When I was a young girl, a little girl, it seemed that it took forever for Christmas to arrive. 

It feels like it slows back down after the holiday, for January,February are it would seem very long months. Usually that is when winter really kicks in and there isn't much you can do about it. 

I've been moving my hook working on a few things, I got my "Crojo" back, glad for it. I like to have something to do in the evening or even during the day to keep my hands busy and my mind working, I don't watch tv anymore at all, havn't for years.

Halloween as a child was fun, it was like playing dress up. While I don't ever recall being scared or afraid, it is much darker a night than when I was small. Some of the decorations which are up are very  detailed, much  time and effort was put into the yards, that as a child  I would be afraid to go to.

Part of the spookyness of the night was what you "thought" might be lurking, it had a particular air about the evening, not obvious blood and gore. I think some of these are put up by adults who never grew  up. The following might be based on that theory based on the characters which they chose. 

This one has all the characters of OZ, except they are all zombie like in their faces blood and gore. First of all, I don't think many children today know who these characters are, the Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Lion are costume enough. They are life size right in the front yard. They are hardly scary in their original form, the cowardly Lion what's not to love. 

I'm glad I'm not a kid today...Halloween was more innocent "back in my day". There I said it the "offical" old person saying...

Shoppe Update pattern roll out today. 


89 Victorian Halloween ideas | victorian halloween, halloween, vintage  halloween



Granny Marigold said...

Time certainly does fly. I always feel that November is the start of our winter. We may even have frost tonight since it's perfectly clear out. No one in our neighbourhood puts out any Fall or Halloween decorations except for me of course and mine consists of 3 pumpkins and a potted Mum.

Olde Dame Holly said...

I think the over-the-top gimme gimme gimme culture influenced the Halloween decorations, too. They are SO extreme now, some of them. I was lucky to see quite a few more farm-like old-time decorations like I remember. But the cardboard decorations that were so common in my youth were nowhere to be seen in these parts. We did get about 170 trick or treaters tonight! I do feel bad for today's kids, the simple pleasures are gone.

Faith said...

I celebrate the fall not Halloween. I prefer the farmhouse kinds of decorations, and find those blow up things rather unattractive. You are right the simple pleasures for the kids are gone.

Faith said...

Same here, pumpkins. My boys still like to carve them, as they are adults now. I like to decorate for the fall season. Not a fan of Halloween, I outgrew that many years ago, and even then I still liked the pumpkins.

Jackie said...

I have noticed more and more that as I age time seems to slip right by.

Halloween does not seem to be as big a deal as it used to be. At least on my street... I really miss seeing the children dressed up.

God bless.

Lady Locust said...

I've found myself saying several of those old people sayings :-) Good to hear you are crocheting again. You do such nice work. 55 more days~


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