Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Wonderous Wednesday

 Much to lovely to go with no ooh or ahh.....

                                              Sunflower Chocolate Cherry Update!  

This was the first of the 3 seeds I planted, and here is the posting about it.  Sunflower


 This is what was going on today Tuesday in the morning, not the same stalk, seed 2/3.

The second picture the same day, after a very hot and sunny can pick up more of the cherry color in the leaves than on the first picture. I love the bright orange pops o color around the center. It should be in full lovely on Wednesday.

This morning

There are 3 stalks, and each has a few flowers on them, it will be interested to see what they all look like. This one is much different than the first, and has more of the cherry coloring. 

                                                                  Mother Nature is so awesome!



Granny Marigold said...

Beautiful beautiful sunflowers!!! I wonder what the third one will look like!!

Faith said...

I'm rather curious myself. It is really pretty I agree.

Lady Locust said...

What an incredible flower!!! Stunning!
(Sorry, I'm just catching up)


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