Well, another blessed day here in Summertime. We've had a fair amount of rain, which is good for all the creatures and the plants. I went out this morning as I normally do to check to make sure all the plants are where I left them. I was overjoyed this morning to find a Chocolate Cherry Sunflower has bloomed, the first one. This should turn a lovely chocolate cherry color, but for now look at the brush strokes on the petals, made from God's Coloring book.
I've never grown Sunflowers before, I started these indoors from seed. Now that the Big Tree is gone, we have plenty of Sunshine for all the garden plants. My Zinnia's and Large Marigolds are tall, and should be blooming soon. The tomatoes started in January are doing fine, have flowers and "hopefully" will provide us with produce. Peppers are coming along, they are small, started from seed. The yard is filled with the sweet scent of Honeysuckle, I've picked a few flowers to dry.
I've pulled up from the internet a picture of a Chocolate Cherry Sunflower, it will be interesting to see how these evolve as they emerge in the backyard. Beautiful none the less.
Internet Photo
What a beautiful colour, I have never come across this before.
Whether your Chocolate Cherry Sunflowers stay as they are or turn to resemble the ones from the internet they will be gorgeous. This reminds me that I must go out ( in the hot hot sun) and check if the 3 sunflower seeds I found in the bottom of the seed packet have sprouted yet and if I need to water them. (How's that for a run-on sentence?)
That is a glorious sunflower you are growing! And I love zinnias so much. They are sturdy solid performers and they don't get enough love! I guess most gardens are just hitting their stride now, with July and August bringing in the bounty. How exciting to have something grown from seed get big enough to bloom!
Wow, that sunflower is gorgeous. How wonderful that you managed to plant some.
God bless.
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