Friday, April 2, 2021

Some eye candy


Just hoppin in to wish you a very happy and Blessed Easter!

Soon we'll fluttering about our kitchens, making preparations and special food for the holiday. We'll join up here again next week. 

I have added another pattern to the Ravelry shoppe, this one went in yesterday.

Wildwood Rose Doily

My Ravelry Patterns Here

 Do you remember the Dreamsicles? I collected them back in the day when my boys were little. I have a small collection, this one is perched in an Easter basket full of colored eggs. 

They still bring me joy.!


Jackie said...

You have a wonderful Easter as well.

God bless.

Olde Dame Holly said...

I had forgotten the Dreamsicles! They were so sweet and cute! Your Wildwood Rose Doily is just beautiful. An heirloom pattern for sure.

Snowcatcher said...

Oh, my goodness, your crocheted eggs are delightful!!!

Have a very blessed Easter weekend!

Granny Marigold said...

I hope you have a happy Easter too.
I've never heard of Dreamsickles but they sure are cute.

Faith said...

I don't think they are around any more, at least being made, and are collectibles. I love angels and these are just darling.

Happy Homebodies!


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