Thursday, January 9, 2020

I like GOD'S crayola box and canvas!

Oh it is rather a yucky day today ( Thursday)...winter after the holidays sort of thing. Big warm up coming and they are predicting 61 on Saturday..Playing with yarn today. I've had this blog along while, and I mentioned that deleted alot of thing by accident which I could not get back.

We really enjoyed blogging back in the day, why we had regular "coffee clatches" and over the clothesline moments every day. Most of the ladies have moved on to other social media, made new friends, and enjoy the company. CrochetAlongs ( CAL) Linky parties, giveaways etc, such a fun time when this was new before "Social Media" which isn't.

Someone who I have followed before, and still do...thought I might like to share her blog with you....


 it's always fun to introduce your followers with someone they may not be familiar with, prop each other up, we did that back in the day...

So have fun visiting...

Friday Morning



Lady Locust said...

Stunning indeed! And thanks for the link ~ will pop over and visit :-)

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

I have found that so many that used to post on their blogs have moved onto other social media platforms as well and I do miss visiting their blogs. I agree with is so wonderful to introduce other bloggers and to build each other up! Lovely sunset photo!

R's Rue said...

Beautiful photos.

Snowcatcher said...

Thank you, Faith, for hanging in there with me all these years! So nice to stumble into each other again! I have truly missed my blogging community, too, but times have changed my availability and my access. I can't be as present as I was at the beginning, but I've never stopped longing for the day when I could be as active as I was the first couple of years! My day will come!

Have a beautiful weekend, and keep right on crafting and writing!

Happy Homebodies!


This is my personal content. No reproduction of any of my photographs or postings are to be copied, it is against copyright laws.