Saturday, November 23, 2019

The continuing saga of the Instant Pot

So I received an instant pot...NOT the one ordered.
Working on a refund.
It's going back.

I found another at Khols for way less. It's not the Pioneer Woman brand, although I think they are all the same, and she puts her twist to it. I ordered one with a light teal top, not the black,from Khols
64.00 out the door and shipped to me, free.

Now..the Amazon one which I ordered, let the buyer beware. I took a chance and it didn't pan out. These "vendors" and I use that term loosely, never had the one I wanted in stock. Never told me they didn't have it, and sent me something I didn't order.  Love this, I paid for it, and they ordered the exact same instant pot I could have drove up and got 1/2 mile from my house, they ordered it from Walmart to be delivered to me.

Learned my lesson.

And did you know they make skins for the Instant Pots?
I ordered this one.

image 0

This is in no way a bad wrap on Amazon, I have been ordering from them for years, they will make this right. I've not had any problems with them at all over the years.
It is unscrupulous, deadbeat, get around the system scan artists to be aware of.
I read her reviews, I should have heeded them. And I
left one of my own for the next knucklehead like myself who might consider ordering from these ne're do wells.


Granny Marigold said...

I'm sorry you received the wrong Instant Pot but good that Amazon stands behind their vendors and you'll get your money back. I'm glad you left a negative review so the next person won't get stung.
Those 'wraps' are quite something. You could have a new look for every season ( I obviously have no idea of the cost). Just saying.

Kristina said...

Sorry to hear of the struggles with your order.

wisps of words said...

Wayyy back, when I was in college, for a Business Education teaching degree... We were taught the saying.... "Caveat emptor" It is Latin for "Let the buyer beware".

It is still applicable. Sadly...


Happy Homebodies!


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