Monday, February 17, 2025

Wintertime....that enough now!

Happy Homebody Monday!

It is Monday, it is the dead of winter, we've had another ice something or other, and I'm getting over what seemingly was a simple head cold, which I don't think was, 1 week later. 

I would have thought that with all the freezing cold, there would be no virus/germs left to survive.

Hope you are all well, 

I hope to get back into routine this week, I've been a week without homemade bread in the house, and look forward to using my new bread mixer.

 I'm glad that some of you found the proofing/sponge blog of interest. An interesting topic, and if you bake with wheat whether freshly milled or not

Another round of snow all day yesterday, I am over it! We had hoped to go to Amish this weekend, and it didn't happen..

 Belated Happy Valentines Day.

We don't  make  big deal out of here, we do nice things for our family and each other every day or at least try.

~The joy is in the making~

What are you making over at your place?

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

We learn by doing creating what works for us

Howdy do?

Hortense, my creative muse & mischief maker.

I thought I might just talk about bread again....

Reminding myself that anything worth doing, is to do it right, and that the idea of craziness is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result.

Learning how to make bread from freshly milled grains as I've said is a learning curve, and I am learning alot about the process, and also myself.

 Yes, that was a lovely loaf of bread. (previous post) I did receive the desired affect of a nice tall loaf.


I thought upon slicing it that it made a very large slice, almost too much. 
There was a 1" hole through most of the loaf, even though I followed the rolling, folding, pulling rolling when forming the loaf.

I read  up on that, it is caused by the gas the yeast releases. 

So what worked for me in this particular recipe?

The autolyze, the soaking and letting the yeast,flour & water proof.

Two things which I think to be a problem here.

The amount of yeast used in this particular recipe 1 Tbs

The size of the bread pan, used. I used a stoneware pan, very narrow.

I'm sure you've all heard that little voice in your head which tells you ever so briefly to get a clue about something, and you totally dismiss out of hand?

Yep, I had that when I put this loaf of bread in the pan, it was a tight fit, I acknowledged it, and dismissed the options. 

The bread filled the pan, it had no where to go but up, which is why it was so tall.

I am going to do this exact same recipe again next time, using a larger bread pan.

I think 1 tbs of yeast is alot, I normally use 2 1/4 tsp, but in order for me to figure out what the problems is I must eliminate each one, at a time. 

Do I think 1 tbs is alot of yeast? yes, but I realize that the bread pan was to small because I didn't a ticket on the old clue bus..I'll fix that first.  

That is my story, I'm sticking to it.

~The joy is in the making~




Happy Homebodies!


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